We currently offer alerts for:

  • Electrical Outage: Receive status updates for power outages.
  • Water Issue: Receive status updates for reported water problems.
  • Statement Ready: Receive notifications when your billing statement is available to be viewed on myOUC. The notification includes the total amount due and any past due or credit balance. AutoPay customers will receive a notification that their statement is ready to be reviewed and the amount and date of the scheduled bank draft.
  • Payment Reminder: Receive notifications when your payment is due, not paid five days from the due date, and two days past due. AutoPay customers will also receive a reminder the day before scheduled fund withdrawal.
  • Payment Status: Receive notifications that a payment was received or if there is a problem receiving the payment.

Haga clic aquí para registrarse o actualizar sus preferencias para recibir alertas en español.

Please note: Your phone must be registered for Alerts before you are able to utilize the commands. Just text REG to 69682 (myOUC) to get started. Standard messaging rates apply.  Be sure to read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before registering.

Keyword Purpose
HELP Receive a listing of all supported keywords

SUB Subscribe to additional alert programs

REG Register your cell phone to a OUC account You will need your ZIP code and phone number associated with account.

OUT Report an electrical or water outage

STAT Check the status of a reported outage

BAL Receive current account billing balance & last payment information

PAUSE Pause messages for a specific account

RESUME Resume text messages after using the pause command

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Have More Questions?

Visit the 'Frequently Asked Questions' page to learn more about alerts.