51 search results for home

Why are there sometimes large fluctuations in my day-to-day energy usage when nothing changes in my house?

in your home at any given time. For example, if you have guests or keep the heat/air on because you have pets, usage increases. Also, if you are home only in the evening one day but then spend an entire day at home the next, your usage will go up, especially if you are running appliances like your washing machine and dryer while home

How can I check if my power is still out? 

If there is a known outage that is affecting your home, you can check the status online through your myOUC online profile. You can also get updates on restoration by calling 407-423-9018

What type of meter does a photovoltaic solar system need?

The existing electric meter will be replaced with a bi-directional meter for net metering. To learn more, visit the How to Apply for Your Home section and the Solar Installer Information section

Does OUC have programs to help me reduce my bill? Where do I find these services?

OUC has a number of programs designed to help customers save energy, save water and save money. Learn about rebates and other incentives offered by OUC for making changes to increase the efficiency of your home or business and lower your bill at OUC.com/Rebates

What is a Cost in Aid of Construction (CIAC) charge?

by natural gas the cost are as follows: The current charge is $595 per home for Residential Single family The current charge is $419 per home for Commercial and Multi-family

What are Fuel and Non-Fuel Charges?

Your bill separates the fuel and non-fuel charges to help you better understand what is included in your electric service. A fuel charge is the cost for fuel required to provide each kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity. A non-fuel charge is the cost other than fuel to produce and deliver electricity to your home or business, including the cost to operate equipment and maintain facilities

What is the benefit of seeing daily and hourly activity?

Understanding when you use electricity and water will help you make more informed decisions about how to conserve and save money. If you see spikes at particular times or days, consider investigating the devices being used during those times. If your usage is consistent throughout the day, consider devices that run all day long, such as air conditioning, especially if no one is home during those times

$1.2 Million is Available to Help OUC Customers Pay Utility Bills

we’re here to help,” said Linda Ferrone, Chief Customer and Marketing Officer. “As the hometown

Extreme Heat in Central Florida Yields All-Time OUC Peak Demand

conditioning units are working harder to keep homes, businesses and schools cool, resulting, solutions include: Is your A/C unit the right size for your home? If it’s time to replace it, you, of residential heating and cooling energy use. For customers who aren’t sure if their homes or businesses

OUC Offers Energy and Cost-Saving Tips to Combat Summer Heat

energy-saving solutions include: Is your A/C unit the right size for your home? If it’s time, if their homes or businesses are energy efficient, OUC offers FREE energy efficiency audits. To assist