Important Message: OUC operations have returned to normal. myOUC is available for making payments, reporting outages and all other self-service options. Disconnects will resume for both traditional and OUC Power Pass customers on Wednesday, October 16th. If you are without service, click here.

 Mensaje Importante: Las operaciones de OUC han vuelto a la normalidad. myOUC está disponible para realizar pagos, informar cortes de energía y todas las demás opciones de autoservicio. Las desconexiones se reanudarán para los clientes tradicionales y de OUC Power Pass el miércoles 16 de octubre. Si no tiene servicio, haga clic aquí.
flood Flooding & Power Restoration

Flooding creates a unique and dangerous restoration environment, as floodwaters can be energized by downed powerlines or other electrical equipment, potentially leading to serious shock. The safety of our customers, employees and community is our number one priority.

We work with local officials to monitor flooding conditions and determine the safest way restore power to flooded areas.

As part of our assessment process, your home may be flagged for one of the reasons below:

  • Unsafe restoration conditions due to current flooding.
  • Your electrical equipment has been deemed unsafe to energize.
  • Your electrical equipment has been deemed unsafe to remain energized, and has been manually shut off.

Once the water recedes from your home or business,
you MUST take the following steps before OUC can safely restore power:

Contact your local government to schedule an inspection. The inspector will determine if repairs are needed in the home/business.
City of Orlando:
Orange County:


If repairs are needed, we recommend you hire a licensed electrician to make repairs to your home or business and then contact your local government to complete the inspection process. A list of OUC preferred contractors can be found at


When the final inspection is performed and the home/business is cleared for restoration, your local government will let OUC know.


OUC will attempt to restore power within 24 to 48 hours of notification.

If you have any questions, please contact OUC Customer Service at 407-423-9018.

Why is OUC making us go through this process?

  • Many OUC customers have been affected by deep-standing water. Because electricity and water together are extremely dangerous, we are taking extra precaution with our restoration efforts. Safety is our top concern, so we will follow a restoration plan to ensure those customers affected by flooding are restored when it is safe to do so.

Why is flooding an issue for electricity?

  • Water may be energized with electrical current from downed powerlines or other electrical equipment. Customers should avoid entering floodwaters for their safety.

Why is it taking so long to restore a flooded area?

  • In order for any restoration work to be performed, the water must recede from the home/business.
  • Flooding can make it more difficult to safely make repairs, which may result in longer-than usual power restoration times.
  • A licensed electrician must perform any electrical repair work to a home.
  • Once repairs are made, your local government must perform an inspection and give clearance before OUC can restore power. Information on inspections: 

What kind of repairs do I need?

  • A licensed electrician will need to answer this for you.
  • It could be that you need repairs to the electric meter box, conduit or wires were under water, or are bent or broken, or water rose above electrical outlets.
  • This is not a comprehensive list and the customer should contact a licensed electrician for an assessment.
  • Never touch damaged equipment yourself.
  • It is possible that no damage happened and repairs do not need to be made. If this is the case, the inspector will make that determination.

Who determines if it is safe to restore power to my property?

  • The water must have receded from the home or business, and the following below:
    • When a licensed electrician has performed the appropriate repairs, if any, you must schedule an inspection from your local government:
      • City of Orlando: or 407-246-2271
      • Orange County: 407-836-5558
    • Once cleared, your local government will notify OUC that it is safe to restore power.
    • OUC will attempt to restore your power within 24 hours of notice.

What process is OUC following for flooding?

  • OUC is following a process in coordination with local governments.
  • The first step of power restoration is damage assessment.
  • OUC is marking flooded areas with tags in the field and in our systems to define areas that require closer attention due to flood waters.
  • Additionally, OUC engineers are investigating methods for restoring power to homes that are not flooded but are in neighborhoods where floodwaters hamper access and pose safety concerns.
  • Owners of homes/businesses that OUC suspects may be unsafe to restore have to follow this process:
    • Wait until water has receded.
    • Assess the home/business for damage. You may consider hiring a licensed electrician for this and to make repairs if necessary.  A list of OUC preferred contractors can be found at
    • If no repairs are necessary or after an electrician has made repairs, contact your local government to perform an inspection.
      • City of Orlando: or 407-246-2271.
      • Orange County: 407-836-5558
    • When inspection is performed and home/business is cleared for restoration, your local government will let OUC know.
    • OUC will attempt to restore power within 24 hours of notification.

I’m flooded, but still have power. Why?

  • While some customers may not be able to receive power to their homes because of storm damage, we cannot guarantee that a house in a flooded area is de-energized.
  • Therefore, it is critical that customers proceed with caution and follow appropriate protocols to ensure their safety.

My home is not flooded and I do not have power because of flooding around my home.

  • That can happen because you are on the same line as the flooded homes. In order to ensure their safety, OUC had to turn off power to your home as well.

I turned off my power at the circuit breaker box. Can I turn it back on?

  • If you turned your power off due to safety concerns, you may want to contact a licensed electrician to inspect your equipment prior to turning the breaker back on.

How long until my power is turned off for safety reasons?

  • Our team will disconnect power as soon as possible because it is a safety concern.

Do I need to leave my house?

  • If you feel unsafe remaining in your home/business, we advise that you seek alternate shelter.

I’ve requested an inspection from the City, but I haven’t heard back.

  • All questions regarding inspections should be posed to your local government.

Is there a cost for inspection?

  • At this time, the City of Orlando is waiving inspection and permitting fees related to power restoration. For Orange County fee information, visit

Why are repairs my responsibility and not OUC’s?

  • At this time, the City of Orlando is waiving inspection and permitting fees related to power restoration.