Cold Weather Guide
When the temperature drops, utility bills can spike.
Learn about Cold Weather and High Bills
Central Florida is known for mild winters, but when the temperatures do drop, remember these important tips to keep your family and your home safe:
Electric Devices
Keep portable heaters at least three feet away from furniture, bedding, walls, clothing and other flammable items.
An electric blanket can help keep you warm on a cold night, but follow the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure you turn it off and unplug it when it's not in use. Never tuck an electric blanket in.
Never use your stove or oven to heat your home. It can cause fires.
Keep thermostats set at 68 degrees or lower to save energy.
At night, close blinds or drapes to help keep cold air out. During the day, open blinds/drapes to let the warm sunshine in.
Make sure your chimney flue is open before using it.
Use a safety screen for protection from flames and embers.
Never leave a fire or smoldering embers unattended.
Place candles in sturdy containers or holders and keep them on solid surfaces where they cannot be knocked over.
Lit candles should not be left unattended.
Keep candles away from trees, draperies, and other flammable items.
Keep candles and matches well out of children’s reach.
Smoke Detectors
Check batteries regularly to make sure smoke detectors are working.
Replace batteries annually.
Protect Water Resources
Cover exposed water pipes.
As temperatures drop below 32°, allow a trickle of water to flow through exposed pipes to prevent the water inside from freezing.
- If a bathroom or kitchen faucet shares an exterior wall, allow a trickle of water to flow through the pipe.
- Keep pool pumps running so they don’t freeze.
Cold weather can impact the performance of electric vehicle batteries.
Cold weather can impact the performance of car batteries in traditional vehicles and EVs alike by slowing down the electrochemical reaction inside them that produces power. When temperatures drop below freezing, that can lead to dead batteries, poor performance, or (in EVs) a lower driving range before you need to recharge.
However, “winterizing” your vehicle is easier than you might think – all it takes is a few protective measures:
- Stay Under Shelter. Just like cars and trucks with a traditional engine, EVs tend to run better when protected from freezing temperatures. Parking indoors or in a covered space during cold weather can help ensure your vehicle can travel to and from your destination, even on the coldest winter days.
- Cover Your Outdoor Charger. While it’s rare for temperatures to reach the freezing point in Central Florida, EV drivers should still take precautions to protect their outdoor charging connector. When the forecast calls for extreme cold, you can combat the freezing risk by using a magnetic EV charging inlet connector cover or bag. (And remember: When you’re not using your charger connector, always hang it up according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.)
- Schedule Some Warm-Up Time. All vehicles perform best in cold weather when they’re given the chance to warm up, and many EVs come with “preconditioning” features designed to heat the interior and battery before driving. If you can, let your EV warm up while still charging. If you don’t have a preconditioning feature, simply let your vehicle run a few minutes before driving.
- Maintain a Charge. Err on the side of caution when it comes to your battery power. Always double-check your charge before leaving, even if it’s just a short run to the grocery store. Your battery will drain faster when not in use, so consider setting your charger on a timer to reach a full charge right when you plan to leave.
- Check Tire Pressure. Having the right road traction helps improve overall safety. Unlike ICE cars and trucks, EVs have instant rotation – or torque – so it’s important to check the tire pressure when temperatures fluctuate.
- Use Public Charging Stations. In more extreme temperatures and for longer trips, drivers should take advantage of local charging hubs enroute to their destination. Locally, fast charging is available at OUC’s Robinson.
OUC can help you save energy and money.
Budget Billing
OUC’s Budget Billing helps customers avoid unpredictable bills by evening out payments over
the year. This free service lets customers plan their monthly payments and keep their budgets balanced.
How it Works
Your monthly fixed Budget Bill amount is based on the average of your actual utility bills during the last 12 months, including electric and/or water, solid waste, wastewater and taxes.* An additional percentage, at the discretion of OUC, will be added to the amount to prevent the deferred balance from growing too large.
To learn more, visit OUC's Budget Billing section.
Login to myOUC and visit the Budget & Billing section to enroll.
*Note: If you do not have 12 months of consumption history at your location, the calculation will be based on the history available for a minimum six-month period. Additional charges, adjustments and financed installments are not part of the Budget Billing plan and appear as separate line items on your bill. These charges are in addition to the Budget Billing amount.
Usage Dashboard
A visual presentation of your consumption trends to help you better understand the days and times you use the most.
- Review your usage patterns to conserve and save money
- Daily and hourly data available
- Set up email alerts to receive usage notifications
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You can't do anything about the chilly weather, but you can get incentives for making your home more energy efficient. It's easier than you think, and we are here to help every step of the way.
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