Important Storm Message: We anticipate our entire territory will be restored by 11:59 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 12. Exceptions apply to homes with damage to customer-owned electrical equipment. If you are without power, please check your meter base and weather head for damage. If repairs are needed, please have them performed by a licensed electrician and inspected by the City or County and then contact us to reinstate the service. Disconnects for non-payment are suspended for all customers. For storm information, visit OUC’s Storm Center.

 Mensaje importante sobre la tormenta: Anticipamos que el servicio en todo nuestro territorio se restablecerá a las 11:59 p. m. del sábado 12 de octubre, con excepciones a hogares con daños en el equipo eléctrico propiedad del cliente. Si no tiene electricidad, verifique la base del contador y el cabezal de entrada para ver si hay daños. Si necesita reparaciones, solicite que las realice un electricista autorizado y que las inspeccione la ciudad o el condado y luego comuníquese con nosotros para restablecer el servicio. Las desconexiones por falta de pago están suspendidas para todos los clientes. Para obtener información sobre la tormenta, visite el centro de tormentas de OUC.
Development FAQs

Development FAQs

Q. Does OUC require an approved signed and sealed set of plans?

A. Yes, OUC Water does require the final plans that we estimate from to be signed and sealed. We also required signed and sealed copies of permit drawings that are being submitted to the agencies.

Q. How can I find out whether or not OUC can provide utility service to any given unserviced property?

A. To find out whether or not OUC can provide the service you need, simply complete the Letter of Availability form.

Q. How do I schedule a meeting with Development Services?

A. Complete this Meeting Request Form to begin scheduling your meeting.

For More Information

Read the step-by-step guide to help you start working with Development Services.
Step by Step Guide 

Contact OUC Development Services.

Phone: 407-236-9651
Mail: P.O. Box 3193
Orlando, FL 32802

100 W. Anderson St.
Orlando, FL 32801