Residential Rebates Information

energy_star_promo_markReceive a rebate from OUC for installing energy and water efficient appliances, insulation, windows and other upgrades and improvements.

OUC is committed to sustainability and is a partner in the ENERGY STAR® program, a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency. For information on available tax credits, visit

Need help finding home repair and service professionals? We are proud to offer our list of preferred contractors—and recommend obtaining multiple quotes for any work that you’re considering.

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Ceiling Insulation Upgrade ($0.10/sq.ft.)
The attic is the easiest place to add insulation; it can help lower your energy costs and keep you comfortable through the seasons. To qualify, final insulation level must be R-30 or higher. Existing R-Value, Final R-Value, total square footage and type of installed insulation must be included on the invoice. Homes with an existing insulation value greater than R-19 are not eligible for this rebate. 

For work performed by the customer,
a copy of the receipt which must indicate type and quantity of insulation purchased must be provided. Also, a copy of the coverage chart for the specific type of installed insulation must be provided along with the initial R-Value and the final depth measurement after installation. Total square footage and total bags of installed insulation must be indicated on the rebate form.

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Duct Repair/Replacement (100 percent of cost, up to $100)
Duct leaks make heating and cooling systems work longer and harder to maintain comfort in a home. Properly sealed ducts will lower your energy bill and improve the efficiency and performance of your central heating and cooling systems.

Rebate requirements:

  • This rebate is applicable to residential improvement projects.
  • Ducts must be sealed with mastic or mastic with embedded Underwriters Laboratory (UL) approved duct tape on all accessible boots, joints and seams of the Air Duct System (ADS) in both the attic and in any accessible air handler closet. Any penetration of the ADS through the ceiling must be enclosed with a proper draft stop seal.
  • For repairs: Invoice must have a separately-itemized amount for each system repair and must reflect the method of repair used.
  • For replacement: Invoice must have a separately-itemized amount for the new duct system, and include the type of system installed and how it was sealed.

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Efficiency Delivered®
Efficiency Delivered provides up to $2,500 of energy and water efficiency upgrades in your home based on your needs. A conservation specialist from OUC will determine which home improvements could save you the most money and then with your approval will arrange for a licensed contractor to do the work. You receive professional installation from a trusted source and save instantly with contributions from OUC. You only pay for your share of the cost for the selected improvements. If you qualify, you may spread payments over an interest-free period of up to 24 months on your utility bill.

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Electric Vehicle purchase or lease ($200)
If you are considering purchasing or leasing an electric vehicle (EV) or recently added one to your garage, OUC has an incentive for you. We are offering a $200 rebate to customers who purchase or lease a plug-in electric vehicle. This rebate is intended for passenger vehicles only. Scooters, skateboards, bicycles, etc. are not eligible.

A rebate application must be submitted within six months of your EV purchase/lease date along with the proof of purchase. Acceptable examples of proof of purchase include: Retail Installment Sale Contract (example), Purchase/Lease Agreement, Sales Agreement, Final Price Sheet, Buyer’s Order (example), or Bill of sale (private sale). The OUC customer and/or authorized person’s name must be on the proof of purchase. Please provide all pages of the above-mentioned documents for review.

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ENERGY STAR® Heat Pump Water Heater ($500)
Utilizing super-efficient technology, an ENERGY STAR® Heat Pump Water Heater can cut water heating costs by more than half.  The Uniform Energy Factor (UEF) for qualifying models ranges from 2.2-3.3 or higher.  This rebate is not available for electric tankless/on-demand or gas water heaters. 

Incentive requirements:
  1. The contractor and/or retailer's invoice is required to receive this rebate and must reflect the system model number.
    • If receipt does not include the model number, be sure to submit a copy of the retailer’s item description of product installed that can be matched to the proof of purchase.
  2. Proof of ENERGY STAR® qualification is also required to receive this rebate.

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ENERGY STAR® Windows ($1.50/sq.ft. of windows installed)
Energy-efficient windows can help minimize your heating, cooling and lighting costs. They provide comfort and they also protect your valuables from harmful sun rays. For more information, please visit Windows installed within non-conditioned space, such as a garage or sunroom, do not qualify for a rebate.

Incentive requirements:

  1. Sliding glass doors must meet ENERGY STAR® southern regionally accepted standards of a U-Factor ≤ 0.28 and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) ≤ 0.23.
  2. Windows must be National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) certified and meet ENERGY STAR® southern regionally accepted standards of a U-Factor ≤ 0.32 and a Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) ≤ 0.23.
  3. Complete and submit the Required Window Rebate Form.
  4. Invoice must reflect either the separately itemized dimensions for each type of window installed or the total square footage.
  5. Provide a copy of each NFRC window sticker.

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Heat Pump A/C $45 - $1,150 - see TON/SEER Matrix)

Older air conditioning systems can be very costly to operate and maintain. New units are more efficient and use less energy while lowering your electric bill.  Annual energy savings for a 15.2 SEER2/16 SEER or greater system could be up to 25% when compared to a 12 SEER unit. This rebate is applicable to residential improvements projects.  Rebate requirements:

videoClick here to watch a brief video on how to use this rebate matrix.

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Solar Thermal Water Heater (100% of cost, up to $900)
The average system takes up just 40 square feet of roof space and can reduce your water heating consumption by 50%-85%. OUC offers residential electric customers a rebate of up to $900 for installing a solar thermal water heating system. Pool heating systems are not eligible for this rebate. Rebate requirements:

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Window Film or Solar Screen ($0.55/sq. ft.)
Installing window film or solar screens on existing homes can help reflect the heat during hot summer days, which can reduce your cooling costs.  Rebate requirements:

  • Only products applied to east-, west- and south-facing windows qualify.
  • Shading Coefficient (SC) of film or screen must be 0.5 or less and noted on the invoice.
    • If the Shading Coefficient (SC) is not listed, the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) must be 0.435 or less to qualify (SC = SHGC/0.87).
  • Adding window film or solar screens to ENERGY STAR® qualified double pane windows does not qualify for this rebate.

  • For self-installation projects, please provide:
    • A copy of the invoice(s) for the purchase of the installed product(s).
    • A copy of the manufacturer’s specification sheet.
      • If the Shading Coefficient (SC) is not listed, the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) must be 0.435 or less to qualify (SC = SHGC/0.87).
    • The dimensions of each window where the film was installed for square footage calculations.

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Florida Friendly Landscape and Irrigation (100% of cost, up to $200)
This program is designed to reduce potable irrigation water usage through the installation of low volume irrigation systems and Florida Friendly plants. Reclaimed water does not qualify for this program. This rebate applies only to existing homes, not new construction. Rebates for Florida Friendly plants will only be paid when permanent irrigation system improvements are also made. Irrigation rebates can be approved without the installation of Florida Friendly plants. Rebate is only available to Orlando customers with 50% or more of their irrigated area served by high-volume irrigation components (spray heads and rotors). Permanent irrigation system improvements must reduce the total irrigated area served by high-volume irrigation components to less than 50% by using low volume irrigation components (such as drip, trickle, subsurface, bubbler, or micro-spray irrigation).

For additional information, please visit the St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) for details on low-volume irrigation system installation. Only Florida Friendly, low-maintenance plants qualify for this rebate. Permanent irrigation system improvements, as outlined above, must be made in conjunction with new landscaping in order to qualify for this rebate.

For a qualifying list of Florida Friendly plants, visit the Florida Friendly Landscaping. Before and after pictures and/or design plans along with receipts from purchases must be submitted with the rebate form. A physical inspection of the installed changes will be verified by an irrigation and landscaping professional. All contractor invoices submitted must have total irrigated area, existing area covered by high-volume irrigation and final area covered by high-volume irrigation.

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Florida Water Star℠ Certification ($300 for single family homes, $100 per unit for multi-family homes)
Florida Water Star is a voluntary, points-based certification program that recognizes and encourages water use efficiency in single or multi-family homes. To qualify, the single family or multi-family home must meet all requirements as specified by the St. Johns River or South Florida Water management district. For additional details, please visit Florida Water Star. A copy of the Water Star Certificate also must provided by the appropriate water management district.

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Smart Irrigation Controller (100% of cost of controller and installation, up to $200)

WaterSense labeled irrigation controllers, which act like a thermostat for your sprinkler system telling it when to turn on and off and can use local weather and landscape conditions to tailor watering schedules on the site.  With proper installation, programming, and maintenance, homeowners can use these controllers instead of standard controllers to save water.

The controller must be a new, standalone EPA WaterSense labeled controller.  Plug-in or add-on units are not eligible for rebate consideration.  This rebate is only available for OUC potable water customers with in-ground irrigation systems. Homes using reclaimed water, or water from a well, lake, pond, etc. for irrigation are not eligible for rebate consideration.  A maximum of two rebates can be claimed per property.  For consideration of additional rebates please contact Conservation Support. Rebate amount is 100% of the cost of the controller, protective case, and installation up to $200, but does not cover taxes, shipping/handling, or other fees.

Required documents for self-installation (Must be submitted within six months of purchase)

  • Receipt/invoice for the controller purchase.
    • Brand, model number, and/or SKU must be included.
  • Proof of WaterSense certification such as a manufacturer’s brochure or specification sheet, retailer’s product description screenshot, WaterSense certification screenshot, etc..
  • Picture of the installed controller at your home. Click here for further guidance.

Required documents for professional-installation (Must be submitted within six months of installation)

  • Receipt for the controller purchase, and/or an itemized contractor invoice for the controller and/or installation costs.
    • Brand, model number, and/or SKU must be included.
    • If the controller is purchased by the customer and then installed by a professional, the receipt for the controller and the invoice for the installation must be submitted.
  • Proof of WaterSense certification such as a manufacturer’s brochure or specification sheet, retailer’s product description screenshot, WaterSense certification screenshot, etc..
  • Picture of the installed controller at your home. Please click here for further guidance.

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Smart Water Monitoring Rebate (100% of cost of device and installation, up to $100) 

Smart water monitoring devices keep track of water consumption 24/7 and can send notifications of issues such as a leak.  As an added feature, some devices allow the capability to shut off the water if they detect a major leak.  They can also provide valuable information and insights into consumption.

Approved products that are eligible for a rebate:

OUC does not endorse specific products, nor is responsible for the performance of the device. Displayed consumption may not match billed consumption and will not be accepted for billing purposes. Device must be installed beyond the water meter and backflow prevention device.

Important notice for homes with automatic residential fire sprinklers
Improperly installing a smart water monitoring device could hinder the operation of fire sprinklers. Consult a licensed plumber for guidance.

Rebate amount is 100% of the cost of the device up to $100.00, and excludes tax and shipping. Previously-owned devices are not eligible for a rebate.

Required documents for self-installation (Must be submitted within six months of purchase)

  • Provide receipt/invoice for the device purchase.
    • Brand, model number, and/or SKU must be included.
  • Provide a picture of the installed device.

Required documents for professional-installation (Must be submitted within six months of installation)

  • Receipt for the device purchase, and/or an itemized contractor invoice for the device and/or installation costs.
    • Brand, model number, and/or SKU must be included.
    • If the device is purchased by the customer and then installed by a professional, the receipt for the device and the invoice for the installation must be submitted.
  • Provide a picture of the installed device.

Apply for Smart Water Monitoring Device Rebate

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High-Efficiency Toilet (100% of cost, up to $125)
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), toilets are the main source of water consumption inside your home and account for approximately 30% of indoor water consumption. Replacing older toilets (manufactured in 1993 or earlier) will help you reduce your monthly consumption.  The new toilet must be an EPA WaterSense certified model that consumes 1.28 gallons per flush (GPF) or less and replace an existing toilet that consumes 3.5+ gallons per flush (GPF).  Toilets manufactured before 1980 typically consume 5 GPF or more, while toilets manufactured between 1980-1993 typically consume 3.5 GPF.  Homes built after 1994 are not eligible for this rebate. Replaced toilet must have been made before 1994.

  1. A receipt/invoice must be submitted within six months of purchase for self-installed toilets.  If professionally-installed, a receipt/invoice for the toilet as well as the installation must be submitted within six months of the installation date.
  2. Product information about the new toilet such as a manufacturer’s brochure or specification sheet, retailer’s product description screenshot, WaterSense certification screenshot, etc is required.
  3. A photograph of each old toilet you wish to replace which clearly shows the year of manufacture is required, and please click here for further guidance.

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Water Cistern ($0.02 per gallon up to $200)
Using a cistern to store and reuse rainwater reduces or eliminates storm water runoff from the site. It conserves water and reduces your monthly irrigation water bill. Rain barrels and traditional in-ground cisterns qualify for this rebate. Receipt/proof of purchase denoting the size of the cistern must be provided.

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New Home Construction Rebate Program
This program rewards new homebuyers for making energy-smart choices such as installing an ENERGY STAR heat pump water heater, during construction. Depending on the type, size and quantity of the measures selected, the resulting rebate could mean a homebuyer might not have to pay a utility bill the first few months in their new home.

To be eligible for energy rebates, the property must be located in OUC's electric service territory. All measures must meet and be installed according to the manufacturer’s specifications and comply with all local and state laws. Applications must be submitted within six months from the closing date. Unconditioned space does not qualify for energy efficiency rebates. Existing construction is not eligible for this program.

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New Home Construction Rebates Rate of Rebates
1. ENERGY STAR® Heat Pump Water Heater: Proof of ENERGY STAR qualification is required to receive rebate. 

2. Florida Water Star Certification: A copy of the Florida Water Star certificate is required. 


3. Heat Pump A/C: Provide a copy of the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI) Certificate, or the AHRI Reference number, that matches the indoor (air handler) and outdoor (condenser) model numbers installed. Only SEER ratings of 16 or higher qualify.  

The new minimum efficiency rating for manufactured heat pump A/C systems is 15 SEER/14.3 SEER2.

$45 - $1,150
4. Smart Irrigation Controller: Proof of WaterSense certification is required to receive rebate.  The controller must be a standalone EPA WaterSense labeled controller.  Plug-in or add-on units are not eligible for rebate consideration.  Homes using reclaimed water, or water from a well, lake, pond, etc. for irrigation are not eligible for rebate consideration.  

(100% of cost of controller and installation, up to $200)
5. Smart Water Monitoring Device: Approved products that are eligible for a rebate are the Flo by Moen™ Smart Water Shutoff, Kohler H2Wise, Kohler H2Wise+, Leak Defense System (must include valve)Phyn Plus, Phyn Smart Water Assistant, StreamLabs Control, and StreamLabs Smart Home Water Monitor.  OUC does not endorse specific products, nor is responsible for the performance of the device.  Displayed consumption may not match billed consumption and will not be accepted for billing purposes. Device must be installed beyond the water meter and backflow prevention device.  Important notice for homes with automatic residential fire sprinklers - improperly installing a smart water monitoring device could hinder the operation of fire sprinklers.  Consult a licensed plumber for guidance.

Apply for Smart Water Monitoring Device Rebate

 (100% of cost of device, up to $100)
6. Solar Thermal Water Heater: A copy of the system’s FSEC Energy Research Center or Solar Rating & Certification Corporation™ (SRCC) certification sheet is required to receive this rebate. 

(100% of cost up to $900)


Rebate applications will only be accepted from qualifying customers within OUC’s service territory. To be eligible for a water rebate, the property must be located within OUC's water service territory. To be eligible for an energy rebate, the property must be located within OUC's electric service territory. To be eligible for residential water/energy rebate, the dwelling type must be classified as Single-Family, Condo or Townhome by the property appraiser.

Terms and Conditions to Participate:

  • For residential and commercial energy and/or water rebates, a legible copy of the invoice and proof of purchase by the property owner and OUC account holder are required. If the invoice is entirely handwritten, OUC requires proof of payment of such an invoice (i.e. copy of front / back of cancelled check, copy of credit card statement, etc.). If providing financial statements, please make sure it clearly shows the name of the account holder. Unrelated transaction information can be blacked out to protect your account information.
  • We are unable to process rebates for OUC customers who have had work performed and paid by a third party.
  • Where applicable, all invoices must reflect the appropriate license number of the contractor performing the work.
  • All receipts / invoices must be dated and submitted within six months of the date of purchase. For New Home or New Construction, applications must be dated and submitted no more than six months from the date of closing.
  • All work performed must comply with all local and state laws and be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications.
  • OUC reserves the right to perform on-site verifications of the work performed prior to issuing a rebate.
  • Applications will be processed in 4-6 weeks.
  • Rebates will appear as a credit on your OUC bill.
  • Rebate amounts can’t exceed the cost of the work performed.
  • OUC reserves the right to add or remove any rebates without prior notification.
  • OUC reserves the right to deny a rebate for reasons including but not limited to the following:
  • If a rebate submittal is deemed incomplete, an electronic notification will be sent requesting supplemental information. If the requested information is not received within 15 days of notification, the rebate will be rejected.